Author: Professor Wei Xiuju

Evaluation of cotton production under limited water resources in the arid region of Xinjiang, China

Aiqin Zhao,
Professor Wei Xiuju
First author email: *Corresponding author email:  (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, Postdoctoral Scientific Research Stations of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing100125, China) Summary and Conclusions  China is the world's largest cotton producer, consumer and importer, and Xinjiang is China's largest cotton producing area. The cotton production in …


Impact of climate change on crop production and agricultural engineering technological countermeasures used in mitigation in China

Professor Wei Xiuju,
Professor Zhu Ming,
Dr Zhao Aiqin
Summary1 A statistical analysis of the independent effects of a number of environmental factors on agricultural crop production in China indicated that climate change, measured as trends of temperature rise, sunshine decline and precipitation fluctuation, had a depressing effect overall. The increase in temperature is most obvious in the Northeast and North of China with increased precipitation in southern China while the decline in sunshine duration is most significant in the Northwest. …