Author: Professor Neil C. Turner

Comments (agricultural, environmental) to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report of 6th October, 2018

Sir Brian Heap,
Dr Jillian Lenné,
Professor Neil C. Turner,
Denis J Murphy,
Dr David Frape
“ Global warming of 1.5°C, an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty” . Summary and Conclusions The report of 48 th Session of the IPCC indicates how human activities must change during the next 12 years if the worst effects of global …


Sustainable cotton production in Australia and China

Professor Neil C. Turner
Cotton is produced in more than 100 countries in the world, but six of them – China, India, Pakistan, USA, Brazil and Uzbekistan – contribute about 80% of the total annual production of about 25 million tonnes of lint (1) . While China is the major producer of cotton, producing about 7 million tonnes per annum, Australia is the 8 th largest producer, producing about 1 million tonnes per annum, 99.9% of which is exported, mainly to China (about 0.3 million tonnes) and India (about 0.22 …


Plastic-film mulch in Chinese agriculture: Importance and problems

Liu Shuang,
Liu Qin,
Dr. Liu Enke,
Professor Neil C. Turner,
Dr. He Wenqing,
Professor Yan Changrong
Summary Plastic-film mulch is widely used to increase the productivity of crops, vegetables and fruit trees in cold and arid or semiarid regions of China. Use increased from 6000 t, covering 0.12 million ha, in 1982, to 1.2 million t, covering almost 20 million ha, in 2011. The thin (4-8 µm) polyethylene film used in China is slow to degrade, easily damaged, difficult to reuse for a second season and difficult to remove. Residual plastic in the top 0.3 m soil layer is now estimated …


Climate change, population and food security

Professor Neil C. Turner
Summary It is widely recognised that climate change will impact negatively on food security and poverty, particularly in some countries in the developing world. This paper, however, points out that population growth will likely have a bigger neg- ative impact on food security and poverty in some countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The impact of climate change and population growth on food security and poverty in Timor-Leste (East Timor), a newly-independent country in …